We are 100% responsible for everything and everyone we experience. The Ho'oponopono Hawaiian cleansing prayer brings us back to zero so we can experience the inspiration of the creator.
I am sorry
Please forgive me'
Thank you
I love you.
The Ho’oponopono process only takes one person: – “Peace begins with me, and no one else.”
According to Ho’oponopono, the mind is perfect. – What is not perfect is the data and memories that our mind carries, and with Ho’oponopono, that is what we are working on.
Ho’oponopono is about working on canceling common memories.
Ho’oponopono is only about looking at ourselves by cleaning the garbage we share in common with other people that creates problems for us.
The definition of Ho’oponopono is to correct and error, and the error is corrected by saying: “I Love You”, “I’m sorry”, “Please forgive me” and “Thank You” to The Divine, in order to allow The Divinity to void and cancel the data (memories in the sub-conscious mind) that we experience as problems.
By doing the different Ho’oponopono processes, we are asking The Divinity to cancel programs (memories) in us, so that they too get cancelled in other people
(excerpt from WordPress.com Ho'oponopono insights)